Prosiding ESEC <p>Journal summary</p> en-US (Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, ST., MT.) (Khusnul Khotimah Ayuningtiyas) Tue, 31 Oct 2023 14:12:08 +0700 OJS 60 Pemetaan Tingkat Kebisingan pada Fabrikasi Bollard Proyek BMPP 60 MW di Bengkel Konstruksi Plat 2 <p><em>High noise levels resulting from the fabrication process of the BMPP 60 MW bollard project</em><br /><em>require control measures to reduce noise intensity and ensure that all workers are not exposed to work-related health issues due to noise exposure effects. The aim of this study is to measure the noise levels generated by activities in construction workshop plat 2 and conduct noise mapping. The research method employed is noise mapping using Surfer 16 software to create noise contours. Noise measurements were taken at 52 points within construction workshop plat 2 using a multifunction environment meter 5 in 1, and the allowed work time was calculated based on the NIOSH method. The research results indicate that at points 29, 30, 31, 32, 45, 46, 47, 48 located in the grinding and welding area, the noise level exceeds 85 dB. Therefore, if no control measures are implemented, based on the calculated ideal working times for each point in sequence, they are 6.1 hours, 5.7 hours, 5.4 hours, 5.5 hours, 6.6 hours, 6.8 hours, 6.2 hours, and 6.5 hours, respectively. The conclusion of this study is that out of the 8 points exceeding 85 dB according to the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) based on the Kemenaker Number 5 of 2018 so that control is needed in the form of installing noise safety signs and use of earplugs.</em></p> Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Adika Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Adika Pratama Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Dampak Lingkungan melalui Life Cycle Assessement (LCA) di Industri Keramik Mojokerto <p><em>Ceramics are products made from clay orclay through several stages of production. Ceramic production apart from having a positive impact primarily in the economic field also has a negative impact on the environment. Life Cycle Assessement (LCA) is a method of measuring the impact on the environment in a production process. The purpose of this research is to determine the environmental impact resulting from the process of making ceramics at the Mojokerto Ceramics Factory. The research carried out analyzed the ceramic production process so that the scope of LCA used wasgate to gate with a production period of 1 day. The research results show that impactglobal warming the highest was caused by gas distribution (762700 kg CO<sub>2</sub> eq) and on processglaze preparation amounting to (477.6 kg CO<sub>2</sub> eq). In the impact categoryacidification, the highest impact was caused by gas distribution of (3892 kg SO<sub>2</sub> eq) and on processfiring of (3.362 kg SO<sub>2</sub> eq). Impact categoryhuman toxicity, the highest impact was caused by gas distribution (72620 kg 1.4 DB eq) and processfiring of (1357 kg 1.4 DB eq). Improvements that can be made are by reducing the use of gas by utilizing alternative energy or incineration technology.</em></p> Novirina Hendrasarie, Rahmadini Luchmanandri Copyright (c) 2023 Novirina Hendrasarie, Rahmadini Luchmanandri Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemanfaatan Air Limbah Domestik Terolah Fasilitas Umum Pendidikan untuk Penyiraman Tanaman <p><em>This public educational facility was initiated by a foundation X. This foundation produces domestic wastewater from educational activities, toilets, prayer rooms, canteens, and so on. Domestic liquid waste generated will be used for watering plants in green open spaces around the foundation. The waste water discharge before being treated at WWTP is 17.18 m3 /day and the wastewater discharge after being processed is 17.1167 m3 /day. The entire treated wastewater discharge will be used to water the garden. Wastewater contains BOD, COD, TSS, Ammonia and Total Coliform which exceeds the quality standard, so it needs to be processed before it is used for watering plants. Yayasan X already has 5 WWTP units to manage wastewater. However, it is planned that there will be a building development, so an additional unit of WWTP will be carried out in the building development area so that an evaluation is carried out on the processing capability and the watering method used. The results of the processing will be used to water plants at Foundation X with an area of 1,339.20 m2 of Green Open Space. The process of watering is done two times a day in the morning and evening.</em></p> Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Sarah Aulia Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Sarah Aulia Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah di Bank Sampah RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak Menggunakan Pemodelan Sistem Dinamis <p>Bank Sampah Sumber Dana is one of the waste banks in RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak and is a supporting institution for ProKlim in that RW. The aim of the research is: (1) Identifying factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank; (2) Formulate the relationship between the factors that influence the creation of a dynamic system model; (3) Analyze the factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank. This research is a qualitative research with combined data collection techniques (quantitative and qualitative data). In this research, a dynamic system is used to create models and predict the obstacles that will be faced by looking at the influencing factors. To perform simulations with dynamic systems, Stella software is used. The first step is to identify the management system of Bank Sampah Sumber Dana into several sub-systems. Then it was made into a CLD and SFD model. The analysis results were obtained from analyzing the variables in the model and it can be concluded that overall the management system is running quite well. This is supported by the efforts of the waste bank management so that the community has a good interest in managing waste from its source.</p> Mohamad Mirwan, Mar'atus Sholikhah Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamad Mirwan, Mar'atus Sholikhah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemodelan dan Optimalisasi Kinerja Jaringan Perpipaan Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Menggunakan Epanet 2.2 (Studi Kasus: Desa Sumberejo, Kabupaten Madiun) <p><em>The need for water must be directly proportional to the supply of clean water. The government through PERUMDA Drinking Water through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in point six regarding clean water and adequate sanitation is trying to meet the target by 2030. In the distribution of clean water, the hydraulic system is an important aspect because flow and pressure influence the continuity of the hydraulic system. happen. This research was carried out using a quantitative analysis method with a case study of the distribution network development project carried out by PERUMDAM Tirta Dharma Purabaya in Sumberejo Village. Distribution network modeling was carried out using EPANET v.2.2 software to analyze discharge, flow velocity, pressure and pressure loss in the distribution network system on an ongoing basis for the next 10 years as well as evaluating and optimizing the water sources that will be used. Based on the EPANET v.2.2 simulation results in 2022, it shows that there are 24 pipes with problematic speeds, 21 junctions with problematic pressures, and 3 pipes with problematic headloss gradients. So recommendations for improving the distribution network in Sumberejo Village are made in accordance with the planning criteria of Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 27 of 2016 to optimize the performance of the distribution system for the next 10 years. The maximum head loss in the distribution network in 2022 will be 14.26 m/km and improvements are recommended so that by 2032 it will be 7.10 m/km.</em></p> Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, Alvia Nuriati Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2023 Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, Alvia Nuriati Ramadhani Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Prediksi Produksi Gas Metana dan Dampak Lingkungan dari Kegiatan Landfilling di TPA Griyo Mulyo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan menggunakan Kombinasi Permodelan LandGEM dan OpenLCA <p><em>This journal discusses predictions of methane gas production and the environmental impact of waste management at the Griyo Mulyo Final Disposal Site (TPA). This research uses a combination of LandGEM and OpenLCA modeling approaches to estimate methane gas production from waste decomposition and the associated environmental impacts. The predicted results of methane gas production from the Griyo Mulyo landfill show variability in methane gas emissions which can occur due to factors such as the volume of incoming waste, and varying degradation conditions over time. Projection of methane gas production using the LandGEM model for the 2020-2030 period with an average temperature parameter of 30°C, the results show peak methane gas production in 2026, with a value of 6.03 Gg/year for Default CAA-Conventional and 2.92 Gg/ year for Inventory Default. Environmental impact analysis using OpenLCA on the Griyo Mulyo TPA landfill in 2023 shows a significant impact on climate change, human toxicity and marine ecosystems. Greenhouse gas emissions reached 1.59 million kg CO2eq, while human and marine ecosystem toxicity reached 18,200 kg and 418 kg 1.4-DB eq, respectively. There are also impacts on air quality and the ozone layer, although to a lesser extent. There are no significant impacts related to abiotic resource exploitation, acidification, or eutrophication. This analysis highlights the importance of more sustainable waste management in the future</em></p> Praditya S. Ardisty Sitogasa, Ahmad Aufinal Muna Copyright (c) 2023 Praditya S. Ardisty Sitogasa, Ahmad Aufinal Muna Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Dampak Proses Pengolahan Minyak Bumi Di PT.X Terhadap Lingkungan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) <p>Industri pengolahan BBM merupakan salah satu industri dengan penyumbang emisi terbesar di Indonesia. Emisi yang dihasilkan berupa emisi gas rumah kaca CO2, CH4, N2O dan gas pencemar udara SOx, NOx, PM.&nbsp; Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian <em>Life Cycle Assessment</em> menganalisis atau mengidentifikasi dampak lingkungan total dari suatu proses pengolahan disebuah industri. Pada penelitian kali ini menggunakan aplikasi Simapro 9.1.dengan metode yang digunakan CML. Dari hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil nilai dampak lingkungan pada PT X per 1 kL produk BBM yaitu <em>Global Warming Potential</em> (GWP) adalah sebesar 1717,22845 kg CO2 eq/kL, dimana kontriburoe dampak didominasi oleh karbon dioksida sebesar 94,36%, total dampak yang didapatkan dari dampak <em>Ozon Depletion Potential</em> (ODP) adalah sebesar 2,45E-06 kg CFC-11-eq, dimana kontribur seluruhnya adalah gas metana, serta total dampak yang didapatkan dari dampak <em>Acidification Potential</em> (AP) adalah sebesar 7.03E-02 kg SO2eq/kL, dimana kontriburoe dampak didominasi oleh sulfur oksida 99,47%.</p> Mochammad Yordan Royan Futari Copyright (c) 2023 Mochammad Yordan Royan Futari Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Dalam Sektor Pariwisata Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Pantai Kutang Desa Labuhan Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan) <p><em>This study aims to analyze the implementation of sustainable development in the tourism sector using the concept of sustainable tourism through a descriptive analysis approach using the case study method. The results showed nine programs that must be planned to support the development of sustainable tourism in Kutang Beach, including environmental conservation efforts, community empowerment, waste management, infrastructure improvement, tourism promotion, and the establishment of policies and regulations that support sustainable tourism. This research is expected to contribute to economic development and the welfare of local communities, as well as become a reference for local governments and academics in planning sustainable tourism in other tourist destinations.</em></p> sayuti royali Copyright (c) 2023 sayuti royali Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Perencanaan Perbaikan Tempat Penyimpanan Sementara (TPS) Limbah B3 PT. X Berlokasi di Kawasan Industri SIER <p><em>PT. X is a company engaged in product packaging printing. The condition of the temporary storage area (TPS) for B3 waste at this company is not in accordance with applicable regulations. This study aims to redesign the hazardous waste TPS building to comply with government regulations, namely PP No. 22 of 2021 and also PermenLHK No. 6 of 2021, the research begins with collecting data on the types, characteristics, and also the amount of B3 waste generated from the production and maintenance processes at PT X. The data that has been obtained is then processed using various calculations to further design buildings in the Autocad software application . Based on data processing on the generated B3 waste, the total number of containers needed is 35 drums for B3 liquid waste and used rags and then 12 pallet boxes for B3 solid waste. The planned TPS building has dimensions of 15.55 m in length, 8 m in width and 3 m in height. The B3 waste TPS building is equipped with 6 air vents, 16 lamps, and also 1 fire extinguisher and the number of containers used is 35 drums for B3 liquid waste and used rags; then 12 pallet boxes for B3 solid waste</em></p> Euis Nurul Hidayah, Steven Pohan Copyright (c) 2023 Euis Nurul Hidayah, Steven Pohan Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Noise Mapping Pada PT. Makanan Olahan di Kawasan Ngoro Industri Persada (NIP) Dengan Menggunakan Surfer <p><em>With the production activities carried out by PT. Processed food has the potential for noise originating from the use of machines in both indoor and outdoor areas. This study aims to analyze potential noise levels, map the distribution of noise levels, and make efforts to mitigate the effects of potential noise levels at company locations. Determination of noise measurement points is carried out in the activity area of the machine then measuring noise using a Sound Level Meter at each point and the data obtained refers to Permenaker Number 5 of 2018 and Minister of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/MENLH/LH/11/1996. Mapping the distribution of noise levels using surfur software and the results of this study there are 3 noise levels. First, it ranges from 60-70 dBa, which means that the noise level is still within the quality standards of Permenaker Number 5 of 2018 and Minister of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/MENLH/LH/11/1996. Second, around 70-80 dB the noise level tends to be moderate and requires risk control in the form of planting trees of at least 75 cm for outside areas. Third, it ranges from 80-90 dB, which means that the noise level in this area tends to be high and requires risk control in the form of using earplugs or earmuffs for workers in that area. With Noise Mapping it is very useful for companies to reduce the level of risk of work accidents and increase comfort in the scope of the company</em></p> Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Dinda Putri Sriweni Copyright (c) 2023 Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Dinda Putri Sriweni Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Prediksi Sebaran Parameter Polutan Air Limbah pada Upstream dan Downstream Sungai Area Industri X Mojokerto <p><em>The Gembolo River is ± 14-15 m wide with a depth of 1 to 2 m and flows towards the north (downstream). With the movement of river water flow, there will be an influence in the direction of the movement of the river flow. The distribution of pollutant parameters due to the movement of the river flow will result in a decrease in pollutant concentrations along with the further movement of the water flow of the water body (self-purification). This study aims to determine the simulation of decreasing the concentration of key parameters from the resulting treated wastewater, including BOD, COD, TSS, ammonia (NH4) and total coliform in the Gembolo River, Mojokerto. The simulation itself was carried out for 15 days taking into account seasonal conditions (dry season and rainy season) with the help of Mike 21 software. The results of the simulation along the Gembolo River during the dry season and rainy season have different results, namely a BOD of 1.02 mg /l and 0.980 mg/l, COD of 1.4 mg/l and 1.23 mg/l,and ammonia (NH4) of 0.386 mg/l and 0.381 mg/l. From the simulation, when compared with the required quality standard, it is still below the quality standard.</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Muhammad Dani Dhaifullah Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Muhammad Dani Dhaifullah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Uji Adsorpsi Karbon Aktif dari Kulit Singkong dan Akrbon Aktif Komersial Teraktivasi Asam Nitrat dalam Menurunkan Logam Kadmium (Cd) <p>The adsorption method has a simpler and more economical concept when compared to other methods of reducing cadmium metal. In general, commercial activated carbon is used; however, the price is quite expensive, so development is being carried out to find alternative adsorbents, including activated carbon from cassava peels. This study determined the characteristics, removal efficiency, and adsorbent mass effect. It also investigated isotherm models of commercial activated carbon and cassava skin-activated carbon. The research variables consisted of activated carbon derived from cassava peels and commercial activated carbon in adsorbent masses of 3 gr, 6 gr, 9 gr, and 12 gr. Contact time varied between 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes, while cadmium concentrations varied between 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm, and 8 ppm. Based on SNI 06-3730-1995, the content value of cassava skin activated carbon was fulfilled, except for the volatile matter and bound carbon contents, while the content value of commercial activated carbon was not fulfilled except for the water content. The results of the BET testing indicated that cassava peel-activated carbon had a surface area of 151.360 m2/g, while commercial-activated carbon gained 251.648 m2/g. The highest removal efficiency of cassava skin-activated carbon occurred at a mass of 9 grams, a contact time of 90 minutes, and a concentration of 8 ppm at 95%, while commercial activated carbon was 96%.</p> Marwa Daud Abada Robby Copyright (c) 2023 Marwa Daud Abada Robby Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Pascatambang Dalam Persiapan Kegiatan Reklamasi dengan Memperhatikan Topografi Pada Area Tambang di Desa Wonosunyo, Kecamatan Gempol, Kabupaten Pasuruan Tuhu Agung Rachmantio, Naura Hidayatullah Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmantio*, Naura Hidayatullah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Persebaran Tingkat Kebisingan Akibat Kegiatan Operasional Mesin Produksi Minuman Kemasan PT X di Daerah Pasuruan <p><em>PT X is a company engaged in the bottled water and soft drink industry where the production machines that are operated cause noise pollution which pollutes the environment around industrial settlements. Based on the known environmental impacts from the operational activities of one of the bottled water and soft drink industries in the Pasuruan area, noise levels, noise distribution, as well as solutions and anticipatory actions as a result of noise disturbances caused by industrial activities can be identified. In an effort to determine the impact of noise on the area around the business location, mapping is carried out using Surfer v16.0 software so that the contour map and the distribution of areas affected by the spread of industrial noise pollution are known. The analytical method used is to collect data in the production area or space as well as the area around industrial activities. The largest noise measurement results were in the production area of 83,9 dB(A) and the closest residential area II had the smallest noise level of 23,7 dB(A) as measured using a Sound Level Meter (SLM).</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Nurilita Amalia Cahyani Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Nurilita Amalia Cahyani Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kebisingan di Kawasan Industri Pengolahan dan Pengawetan Ikan Daerah Banyuwangi Jawa Timur <p><em>Noise can be defined as sound that is unwanted by humans. The main contributor to noise in this study is noise from one of the fish processing and preservation industries in the Banyuwangi area. Noise can have physical and non-physical impacts so that the surrounding community feels uncomfortable with the noise generated by this industry. Industrial noise pollution caused by industrial activities is analyzed to determine the impact of the noise pollution caused. To analyze the impact of industrial noise pollution, surfer software is used which is analyzed through the wide distribution of the affected areas. Data collection was carried out in the production area and the area around the factory. Noise level measurements were measured using a sound level meter where from 5 test points these 5 points exceeded the existing quality standard threshold of 70 dB(A) for industrial areas and 55 dB(A) for residential areas. It can be seen that the highest value level is 87.8 dB(A) and residential communities around the location of industrial activities feel uncomfortable with the impact of complaints including dizziness, headaches, and hearing loss with this industrial noise.</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Namira Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Namira Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Studi Pengelolaan Air Limbah Industri Perkebunan Hortkultura PT Y untuk Aplikasi Tanah <p><em>Industrialization due to the increasing human population causes many positive impacts as well as negative impacts. PT Y is a small sample of industries that are trying to meet the increasing needs of society. PT Y is enganged in horticultural plantations with main commodities such as Cavendush bananas and several other commodities such as pineapples, avocados and others. From the fruit processing process, PT Y produces waste in the form of water used for washing fruit and domestic wastewater originating from employee sanitation which, if not managed properly, can have a negative impact on the environment in the form of environment pollution. The purpose of this study was to determine waste management and to implement an evaluation of PT Y’s liquid waste operating system for soil applications. This research includes literature research and data sources based on iterature studies and interviews with PT Y. The result of this study are that it can be concluded that PT Y has not met the standards for wastewater management for application to soil.</em></p> Rizka Novembrianto, Adisty Regina Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Novembrianto, Adisty Regina Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PEMODELAN NOISE MAPPING DAN ANALISIS WAKTU PEMAPARAN MAKSIMUM PADA AREA GRAVING DOCK <p><em>Graving dock is a ship repair and maintenance site that is underground or called a dug / pool dock so that the activity of ship repair takes place below ground level. In its operational activities, noise is generated such as the Sandblasting process which uses a compressor machine when spraying silica sand on a steel plate with high pressure. Continuous repair activities have the potential to affect the health and comfort of workers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the value of noise generated from ship repair work in the dock graving area and compare it with Permenaker No.5 of 2018 as the threshold value of noise level, determine the maximum time of noise exposure allowed based on the results of the study, and noise control efforts. The research method is by measuring the noise level with 16 measurement points using SLM equipment and calculating the exposure time with the NIOSH equation. The results showed the lowest noise level was 81 dB and the highest was 103 dB. Based on the calculation using the NIOSH equation from 16 points of the noise mapping method results, there 1 points that show inposure time above</em> <em>the NIOSH recommended standard. The planned noise control measures are engineering, administrative, and PPE control. </em></p> Restu hikmah ayu murti, Alfiana Sabela Copyright (c) 2023 Restu hikmah ayu murti, Alfiana Sabela Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemodelan Dispersi Pencemaran Udara Ambien dengan Parameter SO2 Kawasan Industri Makanan di Kecamatan Ngoro, Kabupaten Mojokerto Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Iqbal Syah Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Iqbal Syah Putra Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KUALITAS AIR PRODUKSI BERDASARKAN PARAMETER KEKERUHAN DI PDAM NGAGEL 1 SURABAYA <p><em>PDAM Ngagel 1 is a branch of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya under the auspices of the Surabaya Regional Owned Enterprise which focuses on providing clean water to the people of Surabaya. The raw water source used by PDAM comes from the Surabaya River, which is then processed into clean water. In providing clean water, an effective processing process is carried out so that good water quality is obtained. One of the indicators in determining the quality of the water produced is turbidity. This research aims to analyze the quality of production water produced by PDAM Ngagel 1 based on turbidity parameters as an indicator by paying attention to the influence of coagulant and polymer dosage. The water quality analysis was carried out using a simple linear regression test method with the help of Minitab 17 software. The results of this study showed that the turbidity level was influenced by the coagulant dose of 64.4% and the polymer dose of 61.1%, but had a negative value on the turbidity parameter. So the higher the dose of coagulant and polymer used, the lower the resulting turbidity value. This affects the quality of production water produced by PDAM Ngagel 1 which has met the quality standards set by the government based on PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010.</em></p> <p>PDAM Ngagel 1 ialah salah satu cabang dari PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya dibawah naungan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah Surabaya yang berfokus pada penyediaan air bersih kepada masyarakat Surabaya. Sumber air baku yang digunakan oleh PDAM berasal dari Sungai Surabaya, yang kemudian diolah menjadi air bersih. Dalam penyediaan air bersih dilakukan proses pengolahan yang efektif sehingga didapatkan kualitas air yang baik, salah satu indikator dalam menentukan kualitas air yang dihasilkan yakni kekeruhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas air produksi yang dihasilkan oleh PDAM Ngagel 1 berdasarkan parameter kekeruhan sebagai indikator dengan memperhatikan pengaruh dosis koagulan dan polimer. Analisis kualitas air tersebut dilakukan menggunakan metode uji regresi linear sederhana dengan bantuan <em>software </em>Minitab 17. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kekeruhan dipengaruhi oleh dosis koagulan sebesar 64,4% dan dosis polimer sebesar 61,1%, namun bermilai negatif terhadap parameter kekeruhan. Sehingga semakin tinggi dosis koagulan dan polimer yang digunakan maka semakin rendah nilai kekeruhan yang dihasilkan. Hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kualitas air produksi yang dihasilkan oleh PDAM Ngagel 1 yang telah memenuhi baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah berdasarkan PERMENKES No. 492 Tahun 2010.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Aussie Amalia, Putri Nur Fatekhah Copyright (c) 2023 Aussie Amalia, Putri Nur Fatekhah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan Kebisingan Menggunakan Software Golden Surfer 16 di PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong <p><em>PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal (TTL) is an international multi-purpose logistics terminal owned by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) which serves activities such as shipping and receiving containers and dry bulk. TTL impacts the surrounding environment, especially noise. High noise level around PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal has the potential to cause dangerous impacts on workers and the surrounding environment. Thus, research was conducted to evaluate noise levels and noise distribution patterns from seven points around PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal, using Surfer 16 and Google Earth software. The noise measurement location was determined using the sampling point method in accordance with the SNI 8642:2017 standard method. The measurement values are then compared to the noise level standards stipulated in the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 48 of 1996. The measurement results show that the noise level at PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal exceeds the specified threshold value. The entrance to Teluk Lamong Terminal has a noise level of 75 dBA, exceeding the threshold value of 70 dB, while the Tambak Langon Aserowo settlement has a noise level of 56 dBA, exceeding the threshold value of 55 dB. Noise mapping shows that the main source of noise comes from fluctuations in the volume of vehicles passing through these areas, especially at certain times when traffic is denser.</em></p> Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Sophia Alvin Nurina Yulia Masladen Copyright (c) 2023 Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Sophia Alvin Nurina Yulia Masladen Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Dampak Proses Produksi BBM Di PT X Terhadap Lingkungan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) <p><em>The fuel industry is one of the industries with the largest emissions contributors in Indonesia. The resulting emissions are greenhouse gas emissions CO2, CH4, N2O and air pollutant gases SOx, NOx, PM. So a Life Cycle Assessment study is needed to analyze or identify the total environmental impact of processing processes in an industry. In this research, the application used was Simapro 9.1. From the results of the running that has been carried out, the environmental impact value for PT Acidification Potential is 8.66E+00 kg SO2 eq/kl, Eutrophication Potential 7.02E+00 kg PO43-eq/kl, Photochemical oxidant formation potential 1.76E-01 Kg C2H4 eq/kl, Abiotic Depletion Non-Fossils 3.49E-03 kg Sb eq/kl, Abiotic depletion (fossil fuel) of 1.26E+04 MJ/kl, human toxicity of 8.86E+02 kg 1.4-DB eq/kl,. Based on the results obtained by the GWP impact hotspot on the market for electricity process unit, a program is recommended to reduce the use of generators by switching to renewable energy sources, solar cells to produce electricity consumed by the unit. The hotspot for the impact of water use is the process generator unit which is recommended for processing office waste water and changing fuel transportation fuel to environmentally friendly fuel such as Diesel B30.</em></p> Fajar Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 Fajar Hidayat Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Korelasi Antara Kadar Sisa Klor dan pH Pada Air Bersih PDAM Surabaya <p><em>Clean water is river water that is managed by the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) into water that meets predetermined regulations. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 736/Menkes/PER/VI/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010, one of the parameters managed is to remove particles (pathogenic bacteria), remove residual chlorine levels and maintain the pH in the clean water. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between residual chlorine and pH in clean water. This research is a study that uses data for 2 months in 2022, namely in August and September. The data was entered into Minitab 17 software with normality, correlation and simple linear regression test methods. The results obtained in this study are in August and September have almost the same results. The results in August have a very small correlation that can be said to have no correlation between residual chlorine and pH, while in September has a small correlation between residual chlorine and pH.</em></p> Aussie Amalia, Nara Naomi Aprilia Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Aussie Amalia, Nara Naomi Aprilia Putri Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pengelolaan Desa Minggirsari sebagai Desa Wisata Alam Ramah Lingkungan <p><em>Bordering the Brantas River, Minggirsari Village develops the tourism sector through exploiting local natural potential. Outdoor activities are the main attraction for Minggirsari Village tourism such as: Hanging out at Ban Kali Brantas, Rafting on the Brantas River, Glamping tours on the banks of the Brantas River and culinary dining at Papringan. To develop tourism potential, Minggirsari Village does not only present natural activities but implements a mature strategy and planning. So, this study aims to determine the management strategy of Minggirsari Village as an environmentally friendly natural tourism village. Researchers conducted observations and interviews with the managers of the Minggirsari Tourism Village to obtain information. Qualitative descriptive method was applied in this research by using SWOT analysis and strategy. With its natural potential, Minggirsari Village is able to create Village-based tourism as one of the strategies for managing eco-friendly nature tourism villages</em></p> Hesty Puspita Sari, Anita Reta Kusuma Wijayanti Copyright (c) 2023 Hesty Puspita Sari, Anita Reta Kusuma Wijayanti Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Rencana Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Kualitas Udara Terhadap Rencana Kegiatan Pembangunan Permukiman <p><em>Air pollution is the entry of harmful elements into the atmosphere, resulting in a deterioration of environmental quality. Dense settlements are one of the factors contributing to the decline in environmental quality. This study aims to formulate a plan for managing and monitoring air quality to minimize the impact of declining environmental quality in a settlement development project. The research method involves analyzing air quality based on ambient air quality test results, evaluating potential impacts based on parameters from ambient air quality tests, comparing the ambient air quality test results with relevant quality standards, and formulating a plan for air quality management and monitoring. Data collection techniques encompass qualitative and quantitative methods. Based on the analysis of ambient air quality test results at the location of the proposed settlement development project, the test values are higher compared to the surrounding areas of the project site, but they do not exceed the quality standards stipulated in Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation and Management of the Environment, Annex VII Ambient Air Quality Standards. Therefore, the formulation of an air quality management and monitoring plan is essential, especially when the construction and operational phases of the settlement development project are underway. This effort aims to minimize air pollution that could degrade environmental quality and to support sustainable settlement development while considering environmental aspects.</em></p> Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Zuhria Oktaviani Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Zuhria Oktaviani Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Model Dispersi Emisi Udara (SO2, NO2, dan TSP) Menggunakan Model Dari Software AERMOD Dengan Sumber Emisi Point Source <p><em>Production activities in the palm cooking oil and margarine industry generate emissions, both from combustion and non-combustion processes. This analysis aims to determine the results of the emission dispersion model from immovable sources on ambient air quality using AERMOD Software in the area around the Industry. The AERMOD modeling method is carried out by using generated emission load data, topography and meteorological data of activity locations for the last 10 years with air pollutant parameters measured including Particulates (TSP), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). After running the data, the results of the air emission dispersion modeling show that the highest concentration of emissions is located in settlements that are to the southeast of industrial emission sources. With the concentration of each parameter, namely for SO2 it is at 3.65 mg/Nm3 at a distance of 537 meters from the emission source, the NO2 parameter is at 5.98 mg/Nm3 at a distance of 497 meters, and the particulate parameter is at 1.31 mg/Nm3 with a distance of 498 meters. Distance can affect the emission concentration, namely the farther the distance from the emission source, the lower the emission concentration. Modeling using AERMOD shows that the dispersion of emissions on ambient air quality around the palm oil industrial area still meets the quality standards which refer to Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 Appendix VII concerning Ambient Air Quality Standards.</em></p> Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, M. Ardiansyah Dwi Tama Copyright (c) 2023 Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, M. Ardiansyah Dwi Tama Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemodelan Kualitas Air Sungai Sekitar Area Pertambangan Batubara di Kalimantan Menggunakan Software MIKE21 <p><em>The condition of water quality in Indonesia is one thing that really needs more attention to maintain its stability. This is because there are several inhibiting factors, one of which is the activity and/or business of an industry. PT X is an activity and/or business engaged in coal mining. As operational activities progress, the results of operational activities will be processed first in the WWTP and will later be discharged into the river body. The rivers in this activity and/or business area include the Bai River, Senibung River, Gulang-Gulang River, Sempayau River, and Rapak River. This research was conducted to determine the quality of the river water. The method used is to identify the water quality of the Bai River, Senibung River, Gulang-Gulang River, Sempayau River, and Rupak River using Mike21 software by modeling and simulating data in 2 scenarios, namely during the dry season and rainy season. The overall simulation results for average and minimum discharge conditions in the rainy and dry seasons show the distribution of TSS (mg/l) in the Gulang-Gulang River, which has the maximum concentration of TSS with a maximum distribution of 900 m, Rapak River 1600 m, River Sempayau is 1200 m away, Senibung River is 1700 m , Bai River is 1700 m.</em></p> Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Mufti Syahirul Alim Rudy Copyright (c) 2023 Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Mufti Syahirul Alim Rudy Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Tingkat Laju Erosi pada Area Cover Crop Jarang dan Lebat Dalam Pemulihan Lahan Bekas Tambang pada Lahan Revegetasi I18 PT Bharinto Ekatama <p><em>Changes in land cover that were originally limited production forest areas were converted into mining areas causing environmental degradation. The I18 revegetation land was originally a forest area with a denudational hilly landform covered with various tropical forest vegetation of Kalimantan converted into a coal mining area. and to be returned to forest areas through land rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the rate of erosion in sparse and dense cover crop areas in the restoration of reclamation land on I18 revegetation land. This research uses survey methods and field mapping in data collection and processing. Vegetation density data was collected at 20 sample points by purposive sampling using the quadrat transect method. Determination of the erosion rate using the stick method with details of 12 sticks in the rare cover crop area and 6 sticks in the dense cover crop area with volume weight testing using laboratory methods referring to SNI 03-3637-1994 and descriptive analysis. The results showed that the erosion rate value of the cover crop area was rarely 161.13 tons / ha while the dense cover crop area had an erosion value of 1.57 tons / ha. Cover crop areas rarely have a higher erosion rate than dense cover crop areas, more susceptible to soil damage with an area reaching 55.46% of the I18 area has the potential for erosion so that it needs improvement through conservation.</em></p> Ahmad Sobirin Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Sobirin Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Indeks Pencemaran Air Limbah ke Badan Air Permukaan Pada Sungai Sidoarjo Akibat Pengaruh Industri Tekstil Benang <p><em>Waste pollution is a serious problem facing the environment due to human activities, including household and industrial waste. Domestic waste originates from households and public facilities, while industrial waste is generated by various industrial sectors. Mixing domestic and industrial waste can create a pollution index that measures the level of environmental pollution. The pollution index is an important tool in monitoring water and environmental quality, helping to assess the impact of waste on aquatic ecosystems. This research aims to develop a pollution index that combines domestic and industrial waste components.</em> <em>Pollution parameters such as BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), TSS (Total Suspended Solid), DO (Dissolved Oxygen), Total Coliform and pH were measured in water samples. The pollution index is calculated based on the measured parameter values, with a certain weight for each parameter based on the level of impact on the environment. The research results show that there is a relationship between industrial activities and the level of environmental pollution. Although domestic waste generally contributes to parameters such as BOD, COD, pH, TSS, Total Coliform, industrial waste has a significant effect on pollutant content in aquatic environments. The proposed pollution index is able to identify sources of pollution more accurately so as to enable more effective mitigation efforts.</em></p> Rizka Novembrianto, Muhammad Alvando Rahmantio Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Novembrianto, Muhammad Alvando Rahmantio Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Prediksi Sebaran Air Limbah Batubara di Badan Air Permukaan (Anak Sungai X) Dengan Memperhatikan Musim Barat Dan Timur Menggunakan Software MIKE 21 <p><em>Increasing the daerah of the coal pit and disposal, planned additional outlet points in the project daerah (port activities). Wastewater in the form of rainwater runoff in the stockpile, to the washing of materials containing heavy metals, will enter the Settling Pond before being discharged into the X tributary. A numerical approach using MIKE 21 software which was applied taking into the western and eastern seasons. It was found that the highest temperature concentration reached 26°C, at outfall-1.7 km in the west and east seasons. The highest pH concentration in the east season reached 6.139, at outfall-1.7 km. The highest TSS concentration reached 15.0 ppm, at distance of 0.4-0.6 km in the west and east seasons. The highest Fe concentration reached 0.952 ppm, at outfall-0.25 km in the west and east seasons. Also, the highest Mn concentration reached 0.448 ppm, at distance 0.25 km in the west and east seasons. Based on PP no. 22/2021 Appendix VI Class 2 National Water Quality Standards, the temperature parameter Dev 3°C, the pH parameter 6-9, the TSS parameter 50 ppm, and the Fe and Mn parameters are not required, so only the pH parameter does not meet the quality standard.</em></p> Rizka Novembrianto, Rizal Fachrudin Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Novembrianto, Rizal Fachrudin Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan Persebaran Emisi Pembakaran dan Pengecatan Area Produksi Drum Distributor Aspal <p><em>Aspal production in Indonesia continues to increase in line with road construction developments. One of the asphalt distributor companies in Gresik Regency is a distributor that contributes a significant role in the construction of national and provincial roads. With the increasing distribution of aspal, the emissions from burning and painting the raw materials for asphalt drums also increase so that the emissions produced will also have an impact on the environment around the production area. Under these conditions, the purpose of this research is to find a solution to the resulting emissions which have a significant impact on the environment. This study measures emissions from each production area chimney, which later results from emission measurements will be modeled in the Aermod software to determine the distribution area of emissions resulting from the combustion process and aspal drum painting. From the modeling results, it was found that the concentration of SO2 contributed significantly to the distribution of emissions around the production area. Therefore, with the modeling that has been done, the solution that can be given is the addition of chimneys in the production area, considering that there are still a lot of land areas in the asphalt distributor company and can be used for adding chimneys. With the addition of the chimney, it is expected that the emissions produced can be reduced and the emission distribution area can also be reduced..</em></p> Fanesa Fathimah Zahroh Copyright (c) 2023 Fanesa Fathimah Zahroh Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Perencanaan Pendekatan Analisis Sistem Causal Loop Diagram Pada Pengolahan Sisa Spunbond Produksi Industri Tekstil Sebagai Bahan Baku Produksi Berbasis Low Waste <p><em>Industry in Indonesia is growing from year to year along with economic, technological, and scientific developments. The industrial waste problem cannot be separated from the overall waste problem. These problems include operational technical, legal, funding, social, and institutional or management aspects. Spunbond production in companies in the non-woven textile industry produces products of poor quality. By reducing the accumulation of production waste in the form of spunbond which is processed in the recycle process, the remaining production waste in the form of spunbond becomes raw material for production in the form of polypropylene (PP) plastic seed chips or finished products from recycling units. This research aims to analyze the processing of production waste which is processed in the recycling unit. This approach is carried out using a dynamic system model and with the help of Stella 9.0.2 software. The methods used in this research are problem identification, creating dynamic hypotheses, model validation, and model evaluation. The simulation results show that the amount of recycle processing can process around 10.86% of the production which produces 100,000 tons/day in production. Therefore, a policy is needed to enlarge the process of recycling so that the cycle used for the production of raw materials is better without the accumulation of waste left over from unprocessed production.</em></p> Qothrunada Z, Raihan Januar Anggoro Copyright (c) 2023 Qothrunada Z, Raihan Januar Anggoro Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Beban Pencemaran Air antara Air Permukaan Upstream dan Downstream Kali Baru Menggunakan Metode Regresi Linear <p><em>The total upstream surface water pollutant load has a lower value than the total downstream surface water pollutant load. Water flows from upstream to downstream which causes changes in water quality, therefore a study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of the amount of upstream surface water pollutant load on the amount of downstream surface water pollutant load in Kali Baru, South Jakarta. The analysis was conducted using a simple linear regression method with the predictor variable being the upstream surface water pollutant load (X) and the response variable being the downstream surface water pollutant load (Y). The results show a constant value (a) of 0.374 while the slope value (b) is 1.022 so that the regression model Y = 0.374 + 1.022 X is obtained. From the data it can be concluded that the amount of upstream surface water pollutant load has an influence on the amount of downstream surface water pollutant load of 0.374%, while 1.022% and the rest are influenced by external variables. Both variables have a strong relationship. The influence of the two variables is that if the amount of pollutant load entering the upstream surface water body increases, the amount of downstream surface water pollutant load will also increase.</em></p> Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Anidah H Triwulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Anidah H Triwulandari Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Simulasi Dispersi Emisi SO2, NOx, dan PM Pada Kegiatan Pertambangan Nikel Menggunakan Software AERMOD View <p>Nickel mining activities have negative impacts on the environment, one of which is a decrease in air quality due to increased concentrations of air pollutants. Types of pollutants emitted from mining activities, including particulates, SO2, PM and NOx. Therefore, an air dispersion simulation is carried out to determine the maximum level of emissions released from the nickel mining process. This study uses a numerical modeling approach with Aermod View software to simulate the process of dispersion of SO2, PM and NOX air emissions in the distribution of emissions from nickel mining activities. Based on the simulation image of SO2 NOx gas dispersion, and particulates are scattered westward from the emission source/chimney following the wind direction. The dominant dispersion of SO2, NOx and particulates towards the west corresponds to the dominant wind direction. The highest SO2 concentration is around 22.57 x 10^-9 g/Nm3 which is located at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the emission source. The highest NOx concentration is 15.63 x 10^-9 g/Nm3 which is located at a distance of approximately 100 meters.</p> Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Muhammad Bagus Scheva Putra Mahendra Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad, Muhammad Bagus Scheva Putra Mahendra Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan Kebisingan Pada Area Kegiatan Pembangunan Gedung Asrama Mahasiswa Nusantara Menggunakan Zona Kontur <p><em>Keeping the community comfortable while developing is very important and needs to be considered. Besides climate and air quality, another thing that must be considered is noise level. One of them is in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta in the construction of Nusantara Student Dormitory Building. This journal aims to model the noise level as a reference material for the health of workers in the activity environment and calculate compensation to the local government or community due to the noise caused. To achieve this goal, the classification of points and sampling time is carried out. Each parameter affects the noise measured in dB. The parameter that most affects the presence of many activities in that period is the one with the highest weight. Then, in the form of noise contour modeling, the values of several parameters were analyzed. The results of the modeling show that at the location of the construction activities of the dormitory building there are several periods of time in which the weight of the noise exceeds the quality standard. The result of the highest Leq average measurement is 59.7 dB obtained at 17.00-22.00 WIB, while the highest Ls value is obtained from the 3rd sampling point of 60.4 dB. From the data, it is known that the noise level exceeds the quality standard set for residential areas. The standard set is 55 dB based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 48/MENLH/11/1996.</em></p> Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Septi Ika Nurfadila Copyright (c) 2023 Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Septi Ika Nurfadila Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Sebaran Air Limbah Pada Sungai Kalibaru Akibat Buangan Industri Pengolahan Daging Ayam Terintegrasi Kabupaten Banyuwangi Menggunakan Qual2kw <p>Sungai Kalibaru adalah salah satu sungai yang terletak di Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang termasuk sebagai sungai penerima jenis limbah seperti limbah industri, limbah pertanian maupun limbah domestik. Kegiatan industri, pertanian, dan domestik telah berkembang pesat di sepanjang aliran Sungai Kalibaru. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air sungai dan mempengaruhi masyarakat di sekitar aliran sungai dikarenakan Sungai Kalibaru memiliki peran penting dalam kebutuhan sehari-hari. Salah satu industri yang dilewati oleh Sungai Kalibaru adalah Industri pengolahan daging ayam terintegrasi. Industri pengolahan daging ayam terintegrasi berperan sebagai pemasok untuk kebutuhan produksi ayam pedaging di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran air limbah pada Sungai Kalibaru akibat buangan Industri pengolahan daging ayam terintegrasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan pemodelan dengan <em>software </em>QUAL2Kw dan menentukan pengaruh kualitas air sungai terhadap jarak dari titik pembuangan air limbah industri tersebut. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari 3 titik lokasi sampling dengan jarak 0,07 km, 0,31 km, dan 0,48 km dari titik <em>outfall,</em> didapatkan suhu rata-rata sebesar 27,51467 , rata-rata parameter BOD sebesar 1,4265928 mg/L, rata-rata parameter COD sebesar 3,366633 mg/L, dan rata-rata parameter TSS sebesar 31,64084 mg/L. Sebaran air limbah dari Industri pengolahan daging ayam terintegrasi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan pada kualitas air sungai. Parameter pencemar yang banyak diterima oleh Sungai Kalibaru tidak melampaui baku mutu air sungai kelas 2 sesuai dengan klasifikasi kelas Sungai Kalibaru.</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Industri Pengolahan Daging Ayam Terintegrasi, Pemodelan Lingkungan, Sungai Kalibaru, Sebaran Air Limbah</em></p> M. Abdus Salam Jawwad, Jason Dimas Ekoputra Copyright (c) 2023 M. Abdus Salam Jawwad, Jason Dimas Ekoputra Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pengelolaan Lingkungan Kegiatan Penambangan Bahan Galian Tanah Uruk <p><em>The need for building materials, especially piled up soil, is increasing along with the increase in the construction of facilities and infrastructure. Under these conditions, mining activities for the extraction of piled up soil minerals are also increasing. These mining activities will certainly have an impact on the surrounding area from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Therefore, this research aims to find solutions for mining activities that have an impact on the surrounding area by managing, restoring and improving the quality of the environment and ecosystem so that they can function again according to their designation. This research method uses a descriptive approach by providing a detailed description of how the environmental management plan for the land after mining activities. In addition, this research is also aimed at projecting land conditions when mining activities take place with land conditions when environmental management has been carried out. The projected condition of the land will be processed using ArcGis and Global Mapper software.</em><em> </em><em>The post-mining environmental management plan is carried out based on the identification of potential mining impacts. Post-mining environmental management will be carried out using revegetation techniques and land arrangement according to the procedures for post-mining environmental management stages. Environmental management will be carried out every year in order to minimize environmental damage and stabilize green areas. This environmental management activity will restore the function of the mining land to its original state (before mining), namely to become rice fields and moor areas.</em></p> Aussie Amalia, Hammam Fawwaz Copyright (c) 2023 Aussie Amalia, Hammam Fawaz Hammam Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Indeks Pencemaran di Sungai Akibat Kegiatan Industri Sabun Detergen di Wilayah Surabaya <p><em>The current decline in river water quality is inversely proportional to the increase and development of industrial activities which generate not only waste from the industrial process itself but also from domestic waste in the industry as well as household activities along the river flow, this can become a serious problem for existing biota and living creatures. The pollution that occurs can be measured from the pollution index to determine the level of pollution for several parameters such as BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), TSS (Total Suspended Solid), pH, and Amonia. The purpose of this study is to identify the pollution index that occurs. The results of this study show that rivers in the city of Surabaya have a moderate level of pollution. This is based on the results of calculating the pollution index with high BOD and Amonia values from the detergent soap industry.</em></p> Rizka Novembrianto, Muhammad Aditya Muzaky Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Novembrianto, Muhammad Aditya Muzaky Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengolahan Air Limbah Untuk Pemanfaatan Penyiraman Tanaman di Hotel dan Restoran B Kota Surabaya <p><em>A hotel B building that has been operating in the city of Surabaya generates domestic waste from lodging activities by hotel visitors and employees, restaurants and kitchens. The waste will be used for washing and watering in the Green Open Space which is at the back of the hotel with a total waste water produced of 7.52 m3/day. The resulting wastewater contains Ammonia, BOD, COD, Oil and Fat and coliform which exceeds the standard limits for the quality of wastewater so that it must be managed first before being used for watering plants in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 68 of 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards. The activity site has a grease trap, biofilter and WWTP unit which will be used for wastewater treatment to meet quality standards. The Green Open Space area is 10.5 m2 which will be used for the utilization of treated wastewater. The total volume of outlet water to be used for watering is 3.1 m3/day. Utilization of water can save PDAM water usage to support the production process or maintenance activities (watering the plants) around activity and/or business locations.</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Esha adiba Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Esha adiba Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Potensi Dampak Lingkungan pada Proses Produksi Urea di Industri Pupuk Menggunakan Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) <p><em>Indonesia is known as an agricultural country where the population's employment depends on the agricultural sector. As the need for agricultural products to fulfill basic needs increases, fertilizer production in Indonesia is increasing over time. Fertilizer production on a large scale will likely have negative impacts on the environment.. Processing of urea still has potential impact on environment, so that precaution and alternative are needed to create a processing that is more environmentally friendly. This study purposed to analyze potential of environmental impact and to find out the impact category with the biggest influence (hotspot) from the urea production process based on Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 1 of 2021 . Potential environmental impact assesment is determined using Life Cycle Assesment method trough OpenLCA 1.11.0 software. The scope of study applied in this study is gate to gate approach, consist from start processing of ammonia material up to final product urea. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the biggest potential impact comes from the Prilling Unit process of </em>429,0358 kg SO2 eq<em> in the acidification potential category.</em></p> Farah Eka Putri Ramadaniati Copyright (c) 2023 Farah Eka Putri Ramadaniati Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Dampak Asidifikasi Industri Semen PT X Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : Gate to Gate <p><em>The high potential for economic growth in the world has extreme threats from reduced energy supplies, use of fossil fuels, high dangerous gases and electricity prices. According to the European Commission in 2010, the cement industry is an industry that requires heat and electrical energy, so around 40% of all operational costs are spent on energy procurement. The cement industry is one of the largest contributors to air pollution in the world due to the level of energy consumption and potential dust emissions. This is a major factor in the source of air pollution. Air emissions from the cement industry contain chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment. Air pollution occurs if the composition of substances in the air exceeds specified thresholds. The presence of chemicals that exceed the limits can endanger health. One of the impacts that arise from the cement production process is the occurrence of acid rain or acidification. The aim of this research is to analyze and identify the stages that contribute the most to the potential impact of acidification, and present recommendations for improvements in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of the cement production process. The cement production process begins with the Kiln Mill, Clinker and Finish Mill stages. The method used in this research is Life Cycle Assessment. The scope used in this study is gate to gate. Data on production processes is analyzed using </em><em>SimaPro</em><em> 9.5 software. The Kiln Mill process is the stage in the cement production process that contributes to the largest acidification impact with a value of 0.556 kgSO2 eq/ton. The recommended alternative repair program is the use of Wet Type Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) and planting trees in industrial environments.</em></p> Syadzadhiya Qotrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa', Muhammad Riza Pahlevi Copyright (c) 2023 Syadzadhiya Qotrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa', Muhammad Riza Pahlevi Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Proyeksi Pola Penyebaran Emisi Steam Boiler dan Genset PT J Dengan Pemodelan AERMOD <p><em>The industrial world is growing rapidly over time, including PT J which is engaged in animal feed rations and meat processing. However, apart from producing products, the industry also produces waste products or emissions from supporting activities for the animal feed ration industry and meat processing. It is a challenge in itself to overcome so that the emissions produced do not exceed the environmental capacity around the PT J industrial area, as well as the suitability of the resulting emission value with the applicable regulations. The emission distribution modeling map is done by processing the emission data from the Steam Boiler unit and generator and then running the data in the AERMOD software. The results of running data using AERMOD show that the highest concentrations of emission distribution for parameters NOx and particulates are at a distance of 200-300 m with respective values of 38.3 µg/m3, and 10.4 µg/m3. Regarding to Appendix VII PP. No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, it can be concluded that the environmental capacity for emission discharges from PT J's industrial location is still sufficient.</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Muhammad Fairuz Akmal Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Muhammad Fairuz Akmal Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengolahan Air Limbah Untuk Pemanfaatan Sebagai Flushing Toilet di Restoran, Bar, dan Klub Malam W Kota Surabaya <p><em>The current development factor is that restaurants, bars and night clubs are increasingly developing in big cities, one of which is the city of Surabaya. W's business activities, which are engaged in the restaurant, bar and nightclub business in Surabaya, produce domestic wastewater originating from kitchen, sink, dish washing and bathroom activities. The volume of clean water required to meet these needs is 7.86 m3/day at peak hours. The waste water produced from this activity is 5.28 m3/day and will be managed and used for flushing toilets. The levels of contaminants contained in wastewater such as COD, BOD, TSS and oil and grease must be adjusted to the wastewater quality standards listed in PERMEN LHK Number P.68 of 2016. Wastewater is treated using grease trap and biofilter technology to obtain outlet water. that meets water quality standards. The final water outlet has a water discharge of 3.37 m3/day while the water requirement for flushing the toilet is 2.38 m3/day. Therefore, the remaining unused outlet water will be stored in a storage tank and will later be handed over to a third party. Utilizing the results of wastewater treatment as flushing toilets can save the use of clean water for domestic clean water needs</em></p> Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, M.Yureico Soobirumbassa U.K Yureico Copyright (c) 2023 Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, M.Yureico Soobirumbassa U.K Yureico Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan dan Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan di Kawasan Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Menggunakan Software Surfer <p><em>Tanjung Perak is one of the port areas with a very dense industry and can support the hinterland around Tanjung Perak. With the density of the industry, the noise level from industrial operations continues to increase. With the increase in operational activities, several measures are needed to reduce noise levels from ongoing operational activities. From this statement, this research is aimed at finding out the distribution of noise levels in a day so that a solution is found to reduce noise levels in the Tanjung Perak industrial area. The research location is a maritime service industry whose operational activities take place every day. For noise sampling carried out at 7 points in the industry. After the noise test is carried out, the data will be modeled into surfer software to determine the distribution of noise levels in industrial areas. After being modeled through surfer software, it will later be imaged through Google Earth. The modeling results show that the greatest fatigue occurs during the day due to high operational activities. With these results, it is hoped that the industrial area can implement a policy for all workers to use ear protection devices so that the noise level that occurs in areas with the highest noise can be reduced and does not interfere with the ear health of workers.</em></p> Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Sella Olivia Fitriani Copyright (c) 2023 Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Sella Olivia Fitriani Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Permodelan Sebaran Air Limbah Pada Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Rumah Sakit Surabaya Menggunakan Modflow <p><em>Clean water is the main need for people to carry out their daily activities. Communities use clean water by using drilled wells sourced from groundwater, so the quality of groundwater must be maintained so that the well water used is not polluted and dangerous when used. Several sectors are currently disposing of the results of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (</em><em>WWTP</em><em>) for watering Green Open Space (RTH) land. One of them is in the health sector or hospitals. Disposal of wastewater to the ground is required to carry out periodic quality control and modeling so that the volume of wastewater does not cause a significant increase in groundwater. This study uses groundwater modeling with the help of MODFLOW-6 software. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of wastewater on the ground and the nature of the impact related to the area of distribution, intensity, time, and impact on plants. The parameters of the wastewater tested were TSS, COD, BOD, and Residual Chlorine. While the data needed are elevation, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level, and wastewater discharge. The results of the simulation carried out for 365 days showed the distribution of contaminants that had been simulated using TSS and COD parameters. The simulation results show that there is the same lateral distribution direction, namely to the west and also leaning to the southeast following the gradient of the land surface and groundwater table. By obtaining a contaminant concentration value below the quality standard, it indicates that the waste used around the observation area is safe for application to the soil.</em></p> Naufaldy Iqbal Abdillah Copyright (c) 2023 Naufaldy Iqbal Abdillah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kualitas Air Limbah Industri Pupuk Npk Padat Pada Sungai Gembolo Menggunakan Software Mike21 <p><em>Gembolo River is one of the rivers that flows across Pungging District, Mojokerto Regency. At present the Gembolo River is experiencing a decline in river water quality caused by the disposal of waste water from both industrial and domestic activities. The decline in the quality of the Gembolo River water can be seen through the color of the water and its smell. Industrial development in Mojokerto Regency is one of the biggest factors besides the domestic activities of the community that occur around the river flow. There are various industries that exist along the river flow and affect the water quality of the Gembolo River, one of which is the solid NPK fertilizer industri. The treated wastewater from the Fertilizer Industri Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is channeled directly to the Gembolo River. This study aims to determine the effect of the distribution of wastewater on the water quality of the Gembolo River produced by the solid NPK fertilizer industri by conducting river water modeling. The measurement of the distribution of wastewater uses a quantitative descriptive method using Mike21 software. The results of the research on the water quality of the Gembolo River found that influenced by time, discharge, and length of the river, the discharge of solid NPK fertilizer industri wastewater did not significantly affect the water quality of the Gembolo River. In addition, the existence of other industries in the upstream and downstream of the river also has a significant effect on the water quality of the Gembolo River.</em></p> Firza Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2023 Firza Ramadhan Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Hubungan antar Parameter Pencemar Udara di Sekitar Pasar X menggunakan Metode Uji Korelasi pada Perangkat Lunak Minitab <p><em>Market is a place to conduct transactions in the form of buying and selling and provide the needs of both goods and services. In addition, the market also has many roles from the role for producers to development. In planning the placement of the market, the thing that needs to be considered is air quality. Therefore, in this study, air quality measurements were taken directly at three points around the market. The results of air quality measurements will be carried out a correlation test using minitab software to determine the relationship between pollutant parameters. Air quality parameters measured are Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Oxidant (O3) accordingly, Non-methane Hydrocarbons, Total Solid Particulates, Lead (Pb), PM 10, and PM 2.5. The measurement results of these air quality parameters still meet the quality standards according to PP No. 22 of 2021. There are four parameters with the same results at each measurement point, so the correlation test was carried out on parameters with different levels, namely Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Total Solid Particulate (TSP), PM10, PM2.5, and Lead (Pb). Based on the results of the correlation test, it is found that the parameters that correlate with each other are PM10, PM2.5, and Total Solid Particulate Matter (TSP) parameters. In addition, the parameters of Lead (Pb) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) are also correlated with each other but not with other parameters.</em></p> Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Tri Karisma Wardhani Copyright (c) 2023 Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Tri Karisma Wardhani Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Sebaran Emisi SO2 dan NOx Dari Cerobong Steam Boiler dan Genset PT X Menggunakan Pemodelan AERMOD Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Daffa Maulana Atthoriqh Copyright (c) 2023 Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa, Daffa Daffa Maulana Atthoriqh Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pemodelan Persebaran Emisi Udara di Kawasan Industri Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak <p><em>The maritime industry in Indonesia is increasing every year, especially in the maritime service sector. Tanjung Perak Port is one of the areas in Surabaya whose operational activities focus on the maritime service sector. The operational activities of the maritime service sector produce emissions from both ship chimneys and chimneys resulting from the burning of raw materials for the maritime service industry. To find out directly the emissions produced, a test was carried out on the chimney at one of the maritime service sector companies. Measurements were made by testing the parameter concentration of SO<sub>2</sub>. From the measurement results obtained, it will be modeled into the aeromod software so that the distribution of emissions generated around the maritime service industry area can be known. </em><em>After modeling it in the AERMOD software, the results show that the concentration of SO<sub>2</sub> produced by the maritime service industry has been dispersid from a distance of 500 meters from the chimney resulting from the combustion of raw materials for the maritime service industry. With the results obtained, the solution to reduce the concentration of SO<sub>2</sub> produced is to modify the chimney that produces emissions so that the emissions produced can be reduced and the emission distribution area can be reduced so that it does not have a wide impact on the surrounding area</em></p> Komang Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2023 Komang Kurniawan Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Dampak Lingkungan pada Proses Produksi Pupuk NPK di PT. X Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) <p><em>The fertilizer industry is one of the strategic sectors that can spur the national economy. This is because the fertilizer industry plays an important role in encouraging increased production in the agricultural sector which supports the national food security program in the future. NPK is a compound fertilizer consisting of several elements needed by plants including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Broadly speaking, the process of making granulated NPK fertilizer consists of solid raw material feeding, slurry preparation, granulation process, drying and screening process, cooling and screening (cooling and screening), and coating (coating). Those who operate industrial activities will also have an impact on environmental changes such as the quality of water, soil and air. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is an appropriate tool for analyzing to reduce pollution and environmental impacts during the product life cycle. In this study, the Open LCA 1.11.0 software was used. The purpose of this research is to determine the extent of the environmental impact of the LCA process by using a gate to gate approach in the production process. After knowing the magnitude of the resulting environmental impact, alternative improvements will be determined in order to reduce the amount of the resulting environmental impact.</em></p> Aprilia Ningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Aprilia Ningrum Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS PENGARUH BEBAN PENCEMAR TERHADAP KUALITAS UDARA AMBIEN DARI KEGIATAN PENGEMBANGAN UNIVERSITAS X DI KOTA SURABAYA <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Kegiatan pengembangan yang terjadi di Universitas X berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran udara. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh beban pencemar terhadap kualitas udara ambien di sekitar lokasi kegiatan menggunakan software SPSS 23. Metode analisis yang digunakan mengacu pada metode regresi linear sederhana. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikasi &lt; 5% yang artinya dugaan adanya pengaruh kualitas udara ambient di titik 2 terhadap kualitas udara ambient di titik 1 dapat diterima. Hasil lain menunjukkan cek koefisien determinasi antara kedua titik sebesar 99,6% artinya ada hubungan linear yang sangat kuat antara kualitas udara ambient titik 2 dengan jumlah kualitas udara titik 1 yang dihasilkannya. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan diantara data yang dianalisis yaitu kualitas udara ambient titik 1 dan titik 2 memiliki hubungan linear yang sangat kuat dan nilai parameter dari data tersebut masih memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan Pergub Jatim No 10 tahun 2009.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRA</strong><strong>C</strong><strong>K</strong></p> <p>Development activities that occur at X University have the potential to cause air pollution. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of pollutant load on ambient air quality around the activity location using SPSS 23 software. The analysis method used refers to the simple linear regression method. The results of the analysis show that the significance value is &lt;5%, which means that the alleged influence of ambient air quality at point 2 on ambient air quality at point 1 can be accepted. Other results show that the coefficient of determination check between the two points is 99.6%, meaning that there is a very strong linear relationship between the ambient air quality of point 2 and the amount of air quality of point 1 that it produces. It can be concluded between the data analyzed, namely the ambient air quality of point 1 and point 2, has a very strong linear relationship and the parameter values of the data still meet the quality standards based on East Java Governor Regulation No. 10 of 2009.</p> Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Disnanda Utamifa Jannahdita Copyright (c) 2023 Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho, Disnanda Utamifa Jannahdita Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Akibat Aktivitas Kerja pada PT. A Gresik dengan Menggunakan Program Software Surfer <p><em>Operational activities at PT. A have potential in the noise caused by the use of company tools. This noise greatly affects the employee's comfort at work and the environment around the company when the noise level exceeds the threshold value of noise. The purpose of this research is to determine the noise level, analyze the source of noise and provide solutions or suggestions for the control of such noise. The research method is performed by direct observation of the object using the Sound Level Meter (SLM) at 3 specified points and recording every 5 seconds for 5 minutes with the data obtained in decibels of ampere (dBA). The data will then be processed using the Surfer Software. The measurement results showed the noise level of PT. A at 3 points, namely 44,9 dB(A), 44,82 dB (A) and 55,31 dB(A). In the noise barrier effort that can be done by PT. A is to perform maintenance of the work equipment in the company on a regular basis so that the level of noise does not exceed the quality standards and the use of hearing protection in the workers.</em></p> Rizka Novembrianto, Audyna Ayu Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Novembrianto, Audyna Ayu Ramadhani Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Simulasi Sebaran Emisi Udara CO dan NH3 Menggunakan AERMOD di TPA Jawa Timur <p><em>The landfill located in East Java produces air emissions in the form of TSP, Hg, CO, NOx and NH<sub>3</sub> parameters from the incinerator chimney.. This study aims to test the Aermod model in predicting the distribution of CO and </em><em>NH<sub>3</sub></em><em> parameters at landfill in East Java. The quality standards used are listed in Government Regulation no. 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management Attachment VII Ambien Air Quality Standards. By using Aermod View Software, dispersion simulation can be calculated. The data used in modeling the distribution of landfill in East Java 2013 – 2022, and Upper Air Met Data in Sidoarjo Regency from 2013 – 2022. So the results obtained are the CO parameter of 12.9 µg/m3, and the </em><em>NH<sub>3</sub></em><em> parameter of 0.024 µg/m<sup>3</sup>.</em></p> Rania Ichdatunnisa Copyright (c) 2023 Rania Ichdatunnisa Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Jurnal Review: Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Sampah Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Larva Bsf (Black Soldier Fly) dan Kecepatan Penguraian Sampah Organik <p><em>Nowadays, waste production in Indonesia is increasing, one of which is organic waste. The utilization of BSF (Black Slodier Fly) larvae as an organic waste reducer is an alternative to reducing waste in Indonesia. This journal uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of literature study (research study), namely collecting information through scientific articles related to the utilization of BSF larvae as organic waste reducers. This study aims to determine the effect of different types of organic waste reduced by BSF larvae on larval growth and organic waste reduction speed. BSF larvae can reduce various types of organic waste such as fruit waste, vegetable waste, animal meat, and even decomposing waste. The humidity and temperature of the larval growth medium is one of the factors that influence the speed of the organic waste reduction process by BSF larvae.</em></p> Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, RATNA ENDAH DWI PUSPITASARI Copyright (c) 2023 RATNA ENDAH DWI PUSPITASARI Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Indeks Kualitas Air Menggunakan Metode Indeks Pencemaran Pada Kawasan Industri di Jawa Timur <p>Kawasan industri mengalami perkembangan berkat potensi sumber daya yang mendukung, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal. Kualitas Air pada Effluent IPAL Kawasan Industri di Jawa Timur tergolong baik dengan rata-rata parameter COD sebesar 18,28 mg/L sedangkan rata-rata parameter TSS sebesar 11,06 mg/L dan memenuhi kriteria kualitas air kelas III. Pengujian kualitas air dilakukan melalui perbandingan nilai parameter kualitas air dengan standar mutu yang berlaku di kawasan industri. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan perbedaan pandangan tentang tingkat polusi pada setiap parameter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat polusi limbah salah satu kawasan industri Jawa Timur dengan menggunakan metode Perhitungan Indeks Pencemaran dan Uji Normalitas. Metode umum ini digunakan karena dapat menentukan tingkat pencemaran dengan penggunaan beberapa parameter dalam mewakili kondisi pencemaran air. Pengujian harian dilakukan di titik efluen IPAL kawasan industri dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur Nomor 72 Tahun 2013. Parameter yang diuji adalah TSS dan COD sedangkan parameter lain digunakan untuk memonitor nutrisi lain penyebab kontaminasi. Dari hasil uji kualitas air ditemukan bahwa air tidak melebihi baku mutu, namun perlu dilakukan pemantauan lanjutan sebagai upaya pemantauan mutu air limbah yang akan dibuang ke badan air, mengingat meningkatnya aktivitas industri di kawasan industri tersebut.</p> Euis Nurul Hidayah, Aurelia Asilah Zahrah Copyright (c) 2023 Euis Nurul Hidayah, Aurelia Asilah Zahrah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Uji Model Aermod Terhadap Emisi di PT. X Jawa Timur <p><em>This study aims to test the AERMOD model in predicting the distribution of TSP, SO2, NOx, Hg parameters in PT. X East Java. The source of emissions produced comes from production process activities and supporting activities. By using AERMOD View Software, dispersion simulations can be calculated. The data used in modeling the distribution of emissions of PT. X is meteorological data (wind direction/speed, surface temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, exposure to solar radiation, atmospheric cover, etc.), Hourly Surface Met Data in Sidoarjo Regency from 2013 – 2022, and Upper Air Met Data in Sidoarjo Regency from 2013 – 2022. So the results obtained are SO2 parameters of 3.47 ug / m3, NOx parameters of 17.8 ug / m3, TSP parameters of 2.310 ug / m3, parameters Hg of 0,0024 ug/m3</em></p> Syadzadhiya Qothrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa, Diva Yanuar Pramana Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Syadzadhiya Qothrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa, Diva Yanuar Pramana Putra Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pola Sebaran Parameter Air Limbah (COD, BOD, dan Amonia) dari Kegiatan Eco Resort dan Wisata Bahari di Perairan Laut Flores <p>Wastewater generated from the operation of the Eco Resort and Marine Tourism activities <br />originates from domestic activities. Wastewater from domestic activities is treated at the <br />Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and discharged into the sea. This research aims to provide a <br />deeper understanding of the spatial distribution patterns of wastewater parameters (COD, <br />BOD, and Ammonia) from Eco Resort and marine tourism activities in the Flores Sea. This <br />study was conducted during the west season in January 2021, followed by modeling using <br />MIKE 21 EcoLab, to determine the magnitude and distribution patterns of pollution in the <br />Flores Sea. The modeling results show that outfall 3 significantly influences the increase in <br />COD and BOD concentrations, especially during peak tide conditions and when the tide is <br />receding. Another factor causing an increase in COD and BOD values is the proximity of the <br />outfall to the wastewater discharge point. Based on the simulation results, the increase in <br />ammonia concentration is influenced by environmental factors and tidal changes. During low <br />tide conditions, the seawater current from the Flores Sea flows northward, transporting <br />wastewater from outfalls 1 and 2 to the north, resulting in increased ammonia concentrations <br />in that area.</p> Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, Rian Mei Kusuma Kusuma Copyright (c) 2023 Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro, Rian Mei Kusuma Kusuma Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Aktivitas Masyarakat Terhadap Kualitas Sungai Brantas <p><em>The growth of population, agriculture and industries sector rapidly increaased in Branta river area causes an increase in use of river water so the risk of pollution increases. Some of parameter such as BOD, COD and TSS could be able to affect the water quality. With secondary data of BOD, COD and TSS from some of Brantas river’s checkpoint, Some points were obtained that exceeded the quality standard that is on first point located in Surabaya River with 320 mg/l of TSS, seond point located in Tengah River with 28,2 mg/l of COD, third point located in Porong River with 390 mg/l TSS and fourth point located in Brantas river with 15,6 mg/l of BOD. This is caused by the activities of the people around who pay little attention to the cleanliness of the river environment, such as throwing garbage on the banks of the river.</em></p> Novirina Hendrasarie, Risma Indah Salsabila Copyright (c) 2023 Novirina Hendrasarie, Risma Indah Salsabila Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Simulasi Dispersi Emisi Cerobong Udara SO2, NOX, dan TSP Kegiatan Produksi Pupuk Buatan Campuran Hara Makro Menggunakan Software Aermod View <p><em>T</em><em>he fertilizer industries in East Java Province has increased in scale</em> <em>of production, area and human resources in line with the increase in fertilizer demand in Indonesia by 5.67%. </em><em>I</em><em>t causes increased emissions into the atmosphere which will affect health and the environment. Therefore, an air dispersion simulation was carried out to determine the maximum level of emissions released. This study uses a modeling approach with Aermod View software to simulate the process of dispersion of CO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>X</sub>, and TSP air emissions in the distribution of emissions. The results of the dispersion distribution model for SO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>X</sub>, and TSP emissions are at a distance of 500 - 600 m from the emission source</em><em>. </em><em>The dispersion simulation results of the SO<sub>2</sub> show the highest concentration of 7.34 µg/m<sup>3</sup>. The dispersion simulation results of the NO<sub>X</sub> show the highest concentration of 9.791 µg/m<sup>3</sup>. Also, the results of the TSP show the highest concentration of 1.22 µg/m<sup>3</sup>. Based on Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation no. 22/2021 Appendix VII concerning Ambient Air Quality Standards for the SO<sub>2</sub> of 150 µg/m<sup>3</sup>, the NO<sub>X</sub> of 200 µg/m<sup>3</sup>, and the TSP of 230 µg/m<sup>3</sup>, each emission parameter still meets the established emission quality standards.</em></p> Syadzadhiya Qothrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa’, Nurabhinaya Irsyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Syadzadhiya Qothrunada Zakiyayasin Nisa’, Nurabhinaya Irsyadi Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Identifikasi Parameter Bod Dan Cod Dalam Air Limbah Pt. X Menggunakan Software Pemodelan Mike 21 <p><em>This study aims to test the MIKE 21 Software model in predicting the distribution of COD and</em><br /><em>BOD parameters in PT. X East Java. Although not all water bodies that function as a means</em><br /><em>of receiving liquid waste are used by humans (residents) to bathe or drink, it still refers to</em><br /><em>Annex VI of PP RI Number 22 of 2021 concerning National Water Quality Standards. This</em><br /><em>study aims to determine the parameters of BOD and COD produced by PT. X food industry</em><br /><em>uses MIKE 21 modeling software. Monitoring was carried out at 4 points with a distance</em><br /><em>difference of 300m per point. The results obtained were that the simulation of BOD distribution</em><br /><em>was carried out for 30 days using the maximum value concentration of waste discharge activity</em><br /><em>(30 mg / L) for the front river and 85 mg / L for the back river, while the simulation of COD</em><br /><em>distribution simulation was carried out for 30 days using the maximum value concentration of</em><br /><em>waste discharge activity (30 mg / L) for the front river and 85 mg / L for the back river.</em></p> Firra Rosariawari, Ahmad Iqbal Addzikri Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Iqbal Addzikri Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Sebagai Penilaian Terhadap Dampak Lingkungan pada Proses Produksi Pupuk ZA II Petrokimia Gresik <p><em>Petrokimia Gresik is one of the largest and most comprehensive fertilizer companies in Indonesia, playing a major role in the food security sector. The superior fertilizer production is ZA II fertilizer. The existence of a strong concern lies in the emissions produced in the production process where the presence of gas can trigger environmental impacts if not properly managed and controlled. Therefore, through methodLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) is able to identify and assess potential environmental impacts in PT Petrokimia Gresik's ZA II fertilizer production process. Approach done byEndpoint divided into human health, ecosystem quality, and natural resourcesRecipe 2016. As a support for the identification carried out, software will be used in the form of Open LCA type 1.11.0 and SimaPro type The studies obtained show that there is a unit process that is produced with the greatest impact on the drying unit system (drying) and cooling (cooling) due to the causes of the chemicals used and the emission content released in the form of ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2). With this impact, it is necessary to carry out alternative solutions to reduce the risk of impacts that occur in the ZA II fertilizer production process. </em></p> Aussie Amalia, Bagas Chrisma Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 Aussie Amalia, Bagas Chrisma Pratama Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Literature Review: Pengaruh Media Pakan Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Black Soldier Fly (BSF) <p><em>Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae are one type of insect that has the potential to help reduce organic waste because they can act as decomposers by converting organic waste biomass into high-quality protein. In their utilization, adult BSF larvae are often used as a component in fish and livestock feed, and the leftover maggots can be utilized as a substitute material for NPK fertilizers. The nutrient content and quality of adult BSF larvae, however, depend on the treatment received during their development, including their feeding media. This study aims to investigate the effect of different feeding media on the protein content of BSF larvae, with the goal of identifying the best treatment for BSF cultivation. The review is conducted by analyzing data from literature related to maggot feed and its nutrient content. The highest protein content, based on the collected data, is found in BSF larvae fed with a combination of 30% leftover food and 70% fruit waste, with a protein percentage of 59.25%.</em></p> Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Ananda Cinta Laura Copyright (c) 2023 Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti, Ananda Cinta Laura Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Model Prediksi Kebutuhan Air Bersih terhadap Keseimbangan antara Pemasok Air Bersih dengan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Menggunakan Sistem Dinamis pada PT. X Pengolahan Hasil Laut Di Jawa Timur <p><em>In running the production process of this company requires a large volume of clean water. Meanwhile, the company's supply of clean water is only supplied by PDAM, second party supplies, and the results of the water treatment plant. This study aims to analyze the prediction of water demand for the balance between clean water suppliers and clean water demand based on increased production. This approach is carried out with a dynamic system model and with the help of stella 9.0.2 software. The methods used in this study are problem identification, making dynamic hypotheses, model validation, and model evaluation. from the simulation results show that the amount of production in years 2 to 10 has increased, namely in year 2 as much as 1396.41 tons and in year 10 it reached 1546.64 tons. in years 4 and 6 the water supply has decreased which is not proportional to the required water consumption. However, in year 6 to year 10, the volume of clean water supply continues to increase and has fulfilled the total volume of water demand. Therefore, a policy is needed to increase the supply of clean water from the PDAM or supply water from within the company itself, namely by expanding the land for water treatment plants or utilizing surface water sources, namely well water.</em></p> Yayok Suryo Purnomo, Dea Febrica Ervina Copyright (c) 2023 Yayok Suryo Purnomo, Dea Febrica Ervina Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Constructed Wetland sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Konsentrasi Beban Organik pada Limbah Cair Rumah Potong Hewan <p><em>The existence of slaughterhouses is important to fulfill the need for animal protein for consumers. Every day, slaughterhouses produce waste from their activities. The liquid waste generated contains high organic load. In this study, we focused on a constructed wetland system with Typha angustifolia plant as a phytoremediation medium to treat slaughterhouse wastewater. This plant was studied for its ability to remove the organic load of slaughterhouse wastewater in terms of BOD, COD, TSS, and NH3N parameters. This research begins with the construction of a reactor in the form of a container box with a size of 20cm x 21cm x 31cm which will be filled with soil (10cm), silica sand (2cm), and gravel (2cm). Acclimatization is carried out to enter the range finding test experiment, where the concentration of effluent exposure used is 25%, 50%, and 75% for a period of 7 days. Data analysis aims to compare the water quality in the reactor using the overal efficiency equation, which is then continued with the Anova test. Based on the research that has been done, Typha angustifolia succeeded in removing BOD by 97.90%, COD 98.95%, TSS 94.09%, and NH3N 94.61%. Anova test showed that concentration and detention time did not affect the effectiveness of plants in reducing waste.</em></p> Achmad Chusnun Ni'am, Nadia Rana Abiyya Kholish, Deni Halim Trihandana Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Chusnun Ni'am, Nadia Rana Abiyya Kholish, Deni Halim Trihandana Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Exploration and Seed Collection of Environmental Remediation Plant in Wetland - Riparian Areas at Downstream of Brantas River Basin <p><em>One of the important watershed for the people of East Java is the Brantas River Basin. The watershed usually have high biodiversity forest or plants especially depends on wetland, riparian and aquatic areas. Unfortunately its sustainability and biodiversity is threatened by area degradation and increasing river pollution thus the inventory and documentation of its plant diversity is important. One of the conservation efforts conducted by Purwodadi Botanic Garden BRIN was the exploration and collection of seeds of plant species that potensial fo phytoremediation in along downstream of the Brantas River Basin, East Java. This study from November 2020 until Februrary 2021 explore wetland-riparian areas and collected of fruits or seeds in fieldwork. Seed </em><em>conservation </em><em>and </em><em>characterization each </em><em>species conducted </em><em>in the laboratory/greenhouse.</em><em> Out of 15 species obtained, most of them have orthodox seeds such as Acacia&nbsp;farnesiana, Acanthus&nbsp;ilicifolius, Coix lacryma-jobi, Crotalaria juncea, Cyathula prostrata,&nbsp; Dolichandrone spathacea, Ipomoea carnea, Lannea coromandelica, Neptunia&nbsp;plena, Ruellia tuberosa, Senna hirsuta, Senna sp., Sonneratia&nbsp;caseolaris&nbsp;and Thespesia&nbsp;populnea, and only one of them, Sesuvium&nbsp;portulacastrum, has recalcitrant seed. 80% of plants species that found in riparian and wetland that have fruit/seed so can be collected as seed conservation effort have the potential as phytoremediation for heavy metal and organic pollutants.</em></p> Rony Irawanto, Kate Hardwick, Dian Latifah , Melisnawati H. Angio , Elga Renjana, Elok Rifqi Firdiana , Linda Wige Ningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Rony Irawanto, Kate Hardwick, Dian Latifah , Melisnawati H. Angio , Elga Renjana, Elok Rifqi Firdiana , Linda Wige Ningrum Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Review Tentang Sumber dan Dampak Pencemaran Laut <p><em>Marine pollution is one of the national and international issues that the entry of dangerous substances due to human activities into the marine environments, therefore it will cause problems in changing ecosystems on the sea. Marine pollution can result from the disposal of domestic waste, industrial waste, radioactive substances, ship loading and unloading activities, and mineral mining offshore. The impact of pollution will disrupt the aquatic ecosystem, environmental quality, and environmental aesthetics. The international conventions for controlling marine pollution at the international level, that is International Maritime Organization (IMO) produce agreements to overcome pollution issues that occur due to oil spills and dangerous toxic goods which require preparation and action response to oil pollution in various forms, which threaten environmental sustainability maritime. </em></p> AZIZ DANISWARA, GALUH RETNO CAHYANINGNUGROHO, HELEN QURROTU AINI Copyright (c) 2023 AZIZ DANISWARA, GALUH RETNO CAHYANINGNUGROHO, HELEN QURROTU AINI Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 EnviroPureTech: Sistem Terpadu Inovatif untuk Pengelolaan Air Limbah Berkelanjutan menggunakan Teknologi Plasma, Reverse Osmosis, dan Turbin Listrik Berbasis IoT <p><em>Indonesia has rich energy resources, including electrical energy. However, the use of conventional power plants has negative impacts, such as increasing pollution and reducing fossil fuel sources. Therefore, alternative solutions such as energy from aquatic resources are important. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has great potential to develop electricity and clean water supplies. Unfortunately, around 80% of waste water produced in Indonesia is not treated properly and is discharged directly into the waters. This demands sustainable wastewater management. The use of plasma technology, reverse osmosis and IoT-based electrical energy turbines is a solution to improve wastewater management. EnviroPureTech is an innovation that combines plasma technology to remove harmful compounds in wastewater, reverse osmosis to separate dissolved compounds, and IoT-based electrical energy turbines to produce additional energy from wastewater. This research aims to integrate EnviroPureTech in sustainable wastewater management in Indonesia. The research method involves literature study for data collection and design of the necessary tools. The success of creating this tool is important so that testing runs smoothly. It is hoped that the results of this research will contribute to the development of a sustainable wastewater management system, create a clean environment, and support the use of renewable energy sources.</em></p> Sa Bashkaran Adi Warman, Janu Andrean, Ridho Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2023 Sa Bashkaran Adi Warman, Janu Andrean, Ridho Firmansyah Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Optimalisasi Limbah Kubis dan Limbah Cair Tapioka sebagai Bahan Alternatif Biogas Ramah Lingkungan <p><em>Human growth in Indonesia makes the level of energy consumption increasing. One of the renewable energy sources is biogas from anaerobic fermentation of organic matter. Co-digestion is a technique to produce biogas that is being widely developed. Cabbage waste is the most common garbage found. The selection of cabbage vegetables, besides being able to be degraded by microbes, because it has a high C/N ratio of 14.29. Liquid waste from the tapioca industry has a nitrogen content of 0.46% and carbon 39.58%, with a C/N ratio of about 86:1. This research requires 3 materials, namely cabbage vegetables, tapioca industry liquid waste, and activated sludge. The research method used is divided into 3 stages, namely material preparation, operation stage, and analysis stage. In the biogas production process using a combination of cabbage vegetable waste and tapioca industry liquid waste, it was found that optimal production occurred at a C/N ratio of 25 with the highest cumulative biogas volume in 60 days of 7435.3 mL. Of the overall variables conducted in this study, it was found that the highest yield in biogas production was 115.9 liters of biogas / kg COD produced in the stationary phase, namely variations of C/N 25 with rumen microbes.</em></p> Faiza Afrin Oktalitha Khunaifi Khunaifi Copyright (c) 2023 Faiza Afrin Oktalitha Khunaifi Khunaifi Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 CityCapt: Inovasi Teknologi Carbon Capture Direct Air and Biological Capture Guna Mendukung Pencapaian SDGs 2030 <p><em>Several mitigation options, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology is estimated to have sustainable potential to reduce CO</em><em>2</em><em> emissions. Various CCUS technologies that have been developed include DAC (Direct Air Capture) and BC (Biological Capture). However, these existing technologies have shortcomings including technological efficiency that is not in line with the initial design and the price for the technology is quite expensive. CityCapt is an innovation of DAC technology integrated with BC for CO</em><em>2</em><em> absorption in open spaces such as city halls, parks and other public places. This technology is operated with fuel from solar panels with the principle of capturing CO</em><em>2</em><em> from ambient air, then channeled to microalgae containers for biological processing. CO</em><em>2</em><em> that enters the microalgae container will become a source of energy for microalgae which can then be harvested to be used as biomass so as to optimize technology and reduce operational costs. With this technology, CO</em><em>2</em><em> generated from urban activities can be captured, managed and utilized as a renewable energy source.</em></p> Rahma, Al Ghifari, Wafi Mumtaz Malik, Yasa Copyright (c) 2023 Rahma, Al Ghifari, Wafi Mumtaz Malik, Yasa Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM MITIGASI PENCEMARAN LIMBAH LOGAM BERAT MELALUI TEKNOLOGI BIOREMEDIASI SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF DALAM UPAYA PENGENDALIAN POLUSI AIR BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) <p><em>Heavy metal waste pollution is an environmental issue of serious concern in this modern era. Data from BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) states that throughout 2021, there were 10,683 villages / sub-districts that experienced water pollution, which shows the severity of the local level pollution problem. In addition, data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2021, Indonesia produced 60 million tons of hazardous waste. One approach used to overcome this problem is bioremediation, which is a technology that utilizes living organisms, such as microbes and bacteria. Microbes and bacteria act as catalysts to separate substances in the bioremediation mixture with heavy metal waste. This research aims to design a system that implements bioremediation technology with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT) as an effort to control water pollution caused by heavy metal waste, especially oil. This tool integrates IoT technology to determine the level of water quality by measuring water quality parameters in real time via Telegram with high accuracy. In addition, we also add an air detection feature through an air sensor that will monitor the quality of the surrounding air. The research method used in this research is using a combination of descriptive and experimental methods, by conducting experiments on a prototype scale.</em></p> Bayu Hardito Copyright (c) 2023 Bayu Hardito Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700