Identifikasi Parameter Bod Dan Cod Dalam Air Limbah Pt. X Menggunakan Software Pemodelan Mike 21
BOD, COD, Liquid Waste, MIKE 21Abstract
This study aims to test the MIKE 21 Software model in predicting the distribution of COD and
BOD parameters in PT. X East Java. Although not all water bodies that function as a means
of receiving liquid waste are used by humans (residents) to bathe or drink, it still refers to
Annex VI of PP RI Number 22 of 2021 concerning National Water Quality Standards. This
study aims to determine the parameters of BOD and COD produced by PT. X food industry
uses MIKE 21 modeling software. Monitoring was carried out at 4 points with a distance
difference of 300m per point. The results obtained were that the simulation of BOD distribution
was carried out for 30 days using the maximum value concentration of waste discharge activity
(30 mg / L) for the front river and 85 mg / L for the back river, while the simulation of COD
distribution simulation was carried out for 30 days using the maximum value concentration of
waste discharge activity (30 mg / L) for the front river and 85 mg / L for the back river.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Iqbal Addzikri

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