Welcome to the website of the ESEC Environmental Science and Engineering Conference National Seminar Proceedings. This website was created to be a medium that academics, practitioners and stakeholders can use to access various research results and literature published on this website.
Proceedings of the National Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ESEC) is a collection of papers or scientific articles that have been presented at the National Seminar on Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ESEC) which is held regularly every year by the Environmental Engineering Study Program, UPN "Veteran" East Java.
The scope is intended to recognize the complexity of issues and challenges in the Environmental Science and Engineering Areas. All scales of studies and analysis from environmental science to environmental engineering, water treatment/ technology/ management, wastewater treatment/ technology, solidwaste treatment/ technology, air pollution control, occupational health and safety, environmental management, sustainable development, sanitation, renewable energy.
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Current Issue

Environmental Engineering Department, University Of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia has held 4th National Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ESEC) on September, 12nd 2023. As the output of the conference, we publish the Volume 4 No 1 Environmental Science and Engineering Conference Proceeding.